Q: For people that may not know you, please tell us a little about yourself and your influences as an artist.
A: My name is Abbie and I am a hand-lettering, UX, illustration artist living in Kansas City. I moved away to Albuquerque, New Mexico for college where I studied film, digital media, and design. I believe in a humanistic approach to design, one that connects people with ideas and rejects the idea of perfection.
Q: What medium do you typically work in?
A: Digital! I still use good old paper and pencil, but I have always loved experimenting digitally. Back in the day before iPads (is my age showing?) my first digital art tool was a wacom tablet.
Q: Where can we see more of your art? (website, gallery, insta etc.)
A: On instagram:
My website:
Q: What is your favorite way to prepare coffee?
A: Espresso! I have a small espresso machine at my house and I make myself an afternoon latte every day.
Q: Do you have a favorite Repetition Coffee past or present?
A: Cold. Brew. No one does it better than Repetition Coffee. My dad and I have a tradition of making batches of cold brew in the hot summer months and Repetition Coffee is always our go-to.
(Repetition label created by Abbie McNaghten)